Monday, March 11, 2013

Motivational Monday #2

Happy Monday Everyone!

It's been a rainy, dreary day here but luckily it's getting warmer so it doesn't bother me as much. I can't wait for Spring any longer! For the second motivational monday I have a pretty long quite, but I think every line of it is inspiring and true. I have had this hanging on my bathroom mirror since probably my junior year of high school (i'm a senior in college) because reading it really reminds me to believe in myself. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

You're good, but you're going to be great. 
You're the best, but you're going to get better. 
Sometimes the paths we take are long and hard, but remember: 
those are always the ones that lead to the most beautiful views. 
Challenges come along, inevitably; how you respond to them determines who you are - 
deep down inside - and everything you're going to be. Increase the chances of reaching your goals by working at them gradually. The very best you can do is all that is asked of you. Realize that you are capable of working miracles of your own making. Remember that opportunities have a reason for knocking on your door, and the right ones are there for the taking. You don't always have to win, but you do need to know what it takes to be a winner. It's up to you to find the key that unlocks the door to a more fulfilling life. Understand that increased difficulty brings you nearer to the truth of how to survive it - and get beyond it. Cross your bridges. Meet your challenges. Reach out for your dreams, and bring them closer and closer to heart. Get rid of the "if only's," and get on whatever you need to do to get things right. Go after what you want in life, with all the blessings of all the people who care about you.
And find out what making your wishes come really feels like.

- Collin McCarty

I think it's important to surround yourself with people who believe in you. I am lucky and blessed enough to have really wonderful friends and family who constantly remind me that they know I can do anything I put my mind to. Know that even in your lowest point (which i've definitely been there) there is no where to go but UP and I definitely believe in you!

Hope you enjoyed this weeks bit of inspiration!
Later tonight or tomorrow I will be posting a little mini series 'What my roommates are loving' because I thought since we all have different skin types it could be helpful to see what they like too!

Look at this little cutie from Bath and Body works! It's one of those little clip on air fresheners - I keep mine in my car! 

thanks for reading

Jess xx


  1. I find all the Scentportables from Bath and Body Works so adorable!!!

    1. Don't you just love them? They get so creative and they also smell so good! :)
